Melinda Thulin / ETH Zürich
Starting my Starting Grant
ETH Appointment - Eawag News
Environmental Systems Science Appointment - D-USYS News
Shipley et al. 2022 Nature Climate Change
Swallows shrink as climate warms - Nature Climate Change
Shipley, Twining et al. 2022 Current Biology
Climate change: Aerial insectivores struggle to keep pace with earlier pulses of nutritious aquatic foods - Current Biology
Earlier springs translate into shifts in nutritional availability - Nature Ecology & Evolution Blog
Fatty acid phenology - Nature Ecology & Evolution
Verfrühter Frühling - Tagesanzeiger
Shipley et al. 2020 PNAS
Climate change cues tree swallows to nest earlier in spring - Yale Climate Connections
Climate change threatens breeding birds - ScienceDaily
Humans are driving a new kind of evolution in animals - Scientific American
Twining et al. 2019 Functional Ecology
Nutritional hotspots? Prey from one ecosystem provide key fatty acids required for consumers in multiple ecosystems - Functional Ecology
Twining et al. 2018 Ecology Letters
Aquatic insects linked to migratory bird breeding success - Cornell Chronicle
Twining et al. 2016 PNAS
How essential fats affect bird performance and link aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial consumers - PNAS
Quality of diet, not quantity, is key to health of baby birds - Cornell Chronicle